Wild Ginger é unha planta medicinal en forma de moita case trunking que supostamente orixinouse de Indonesia. Con todo, o xenxibre crecendo agora estender case alcanzando o mundo. Agora
855online.com AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYApodemos atopar xenxibre en países como China, Indochina, Barbados,
India, Xapón, Corea, Estados Unidos, Malaisia e algúns países da
rexión europea. En principio, o xenxibre non é desenvolvido nunha cantidade masiva. Cultivo Ginger é só a pequena escala utilizando tecnoloxía simple. Por iso, existe a dificultade de a súa propia para determinar a localización de centros de cultivo de xenxibre. Porque estender uniformemente nas áreas de altitude media e alta, especialmente na terra de sombra.
Temu lawak (cúrcuma xanthorrhiza) é unha planta medicinal que pertence ao encontro de clasificación tribo (Zingiberaceae). [1] El é orixinario de Indonesia, especialmente Java, entón se estender a varios lugares da rexión biogeográfica de Malaisia. Actualmente,
a maior parte da palhaçada cultivo reunión están en Indonesia,
Malaisia, Tailandia e Filipinas [2] Esta planta diferente no sueste de
Asia pódese atopar tamén en China, Indochina, Barbados, India, Xapón,
Corea, Estados Unidos e algúns países europeos.
Nome áreas en Java, xenxibre, en Sudanés chamado koneng grande, mentres que en Madura chamado Intersection Labak. [1] Estas
plantas poden crecer ben en terras baixas ata a altura de 1.500 metros
sobre o nivel do mar e berhabitat en bosques tropicais [2]. Rizomas Intersection Buffoonery pode crecer en solo solto [3].
1 morfoloxía característica
3 Centros de cultivo
4 Aspectos da acuicultura
4.1 Crecemento
4.1.1 Clima
4.1.2 medios de cultura
4.1.3 Altitude
5 Pragas e enfermidades
5.1 Pragas
5.2 Enfermidade
5.2.1 Weeds
5.2.2 Control de pragas / enfermidades organismos
6 Ingredientes e Beneficios
7 Referencias
8 Biblioteca
Características morfolóxicas
Tenra quasi-trunking altura ata máis de 1 m, pero inferior a 2 m. Pseudo-tronco é a parte do nervio central da folla erecto e superposición [4], a cor é verde ou marrón escuro. Rizoma formado e forte ramificación, ramificación, marrón avermellado, verde amarela ou escura grande, escuro. Cada
brotes de rizomas formando follas 2-9 fíos con forma circular que se
estende para espertar lanceoladas, cor da folla verde ou vermello claro
ao marrón escuro, lonxitude da folla 31 cm - 84 cm e 10 cm de ancho - 18
cm, lonxitude do pecíolo, incluíndo folla de 43 centímetros - 80 cm, en cada filamento está conectado á nervio central e pecíolo moi longa. As flores son amarelo-escuro, exclusivamente en forma e agrupados inflorescencia lateral, [1]. talo
fino e escamas en forma de liña, lonxitude de talo nove centímetros -
23 centímetrRAJAPOKER88.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAos de ancho e catro centímetros - 6 cm, protector de follas
por moito máis tempo do que é comparable coa coroa de flores. Cabeludo
pétalas brancas, lonxitude 8 mm - 13 mm, coroa de flores tubular cunha
lonxitude total de 4,5 centímetros, flores en forma de láminas son
brancas cunha rolda punta alongada vermella ou datos vermellos, 1,25
centímetros de longo - dous centímetros e 1 cm de ancho, mentres que o
rizoma de cor de carne escuro picada laranxa ou marrón, picante e amargo [4].
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Sunday, July 20, 2014
They were assessed for down force, and force
were assessed for down force, and force alone is not horizontal (which
is what you adopt when you try to restore the four-wheel drive). What happens so often is the tow ball locked, and they fly like bullets in any momentum carries them. If you imagine a compact ball flying toward your car over 100 km / h, maybe it will put you behind the ball. Not only do they do serious damage to the vehicle, but if they hit you serious injury or death can, and place.
DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA There are two ways to restore true. The first is to remove the barriers completely and Reece feeding rope to the towbar, the pin that goes through the ropes. The worst case scenario is that the bent pin, but no hurt. The second, which is even better is to buy neat recovery hitches for around $ 35. They bolt to the towbar, and a Shackle hang back that you can safely attach the rope straps, winch or towing it to. Make sure you have a pin through the tow bar (with r clip through true too).
You should always have a humidifying blanket on cable rope / tow rope / winch if damaged. This limits the distance and speed that it can travel, and will save you time and time again if something goes wrong. No passenger should be in the vehicle for a good recovery; You put them at risk if they do. Make sure that the observer is at least 20 meters, as things that could be wrong. More that go, the more secure you.
Above all, take slowly, thinking about recovery and do it safely. No one wants to listen to death because you're in a hurry or do not think about enough 4WD recovery. In each type of fight, you will be exposed. You are not considered a real combat until you have been hit several times. Not only that, you have to take a hit and continue. As a boxer, you'll be able to hit hard, and you'll be able to hit a lot. If you can not handle hits, then the sport of boxing is not for you. The last thing to remember when learning to box is the ability to adapt. Boxer is a boxer hybrid that combines several styles of boxing. They tend to have a higher level of success in the ring. They also tend to have shorter careers because of conditioning and training needed to maintain this style is very heavy. Of course, you do not need to be a boxer hybrid for your entire career. You can transition from the style of style while you learn. Particular style is more effective against others. It just depends on what you choose based on what is able to do. The same technique will not work against every opponent every time. The more you know about the kind of fighting style, the more easily you will be able to adapt as needed in a fight.
All these elements together combine to make a good boxer. It takes a lot of hard work to reach this point. Winning boxing matches is JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercaya easy if you've put the time into training properly. Currently at 18 in the league table, Wigan has hosted the competition 7, this season, winning one, drawing two and losing four remaining; Blues 3rd placed with 4 wins, 1 draw and 2 losses, in their seven games
DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA There are two ways to restore true. The first is to remove the barriers completely and Reece feeding rope to the towbar, the pin that goes through the ropes. The worst case scenario is that the bent pin, but no hurt. The second, which is even better is to buy neat recovery hitches for around $ 35. They bolt to the towbar, and a Shackle hang back that you can safely attach the rope straps, winch or towing it to. Make sure you have a pin through the tow bar (with r clip through true too).
You should always have a humidifying blanket on cable rope / tow rope / winch if damaged. This limits the distance and speed that it can travel, and will save you time and time again if something goes wrong. No passenger should be in the vehicle for a good recovery; You put them at risk if they do. Make sure that the observer is at least 20 meters, as things that could be wrong. More that go, the more secure you.
Above all, take slowly, thinking about recovery and do it safely. No one wants to listen to death because you're in a hurry or do not think about enough 4WD recovery. In each type of fight, you will be exposed. You are not considered a real combat until you have been hit several times. Not only that, you have to take a hit and continue. As a boxer, you'll be able to hit hard, and you'll be able to hit a lot. If you can not handle hits, then the sport of boxing is not for you. The last thing to remember when learning to box is the ability to adapt. Boxer is a boxer hybrid that combines several styles of boxing. They tend to have a higher level of success in the ring. They also tend to have shorter careers because of conditioning and training needed to maintain this style is very heavy. Of course, you do not need to be a boxer hybrid for your entire career. You can transition from the style of style while you learn. Particular style is more effective against others. It just depends on what you choose based on what is able to do. The same technique will not work against every opponent every time. The more you know about the kind of fighting style, the more easily you will be able to adapt as needed in a fight.
All these elements together combine to make a good boxer. It takes a lot of hard work to reach this point. Winning boxing matches is JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercaya easy if you've put the time into training properly. Currently at 18 in the league table, Wigan has hosted the competition 7, this season, winning one, drawing two and losing four remaining; Blues 3rd placed with 4 wins, 1 draw and 2 losses, in their seven games
Monday, July 14, 2014
Dheereynta warshad aan tayo lahayn waa 5
Dheereynta warshad aan tayo lahayn waa 50 x 50 cm for cultivars dahaar ballaaran iyo 45 x 65 cm for cultivars dheer.
ituPoker.com JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Waqtiga ugu fiican ee la beero in subaxdii saacadaha u dhaxeeya 6:00 09:00 ama galabtii saacadaha u dhaxeeya 3:00 Xaruurtu 5:00.
On geedo tuubada muuska beeray si toos ah lahayn bumbungnya luminaysid.
Haddii warqad-deyran ku tuubo caag ama polybag, miraha laga saaro by jeestay, tuubada iyo jiid abuur ah si taxadar leh oo aan waxyeelo u xididada loo isticmaalo.
The seeds beeray dalool beerto iyo Waraabiyo xal dhakhso ah POC WarungTani ayaan xidhmo 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah, dose WT bactericide of 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah, WT Trico dose / GLIO of 10 ml / litir oo biyo ah, iyo qaadashada WT ZPT of 2 ml / biyo lt ilaa ciidda qoyan si buuxda.
Dayactirka Tola
Haddii ay jiraan waxyeelo ama dhirta dhintay, dib u abuurka la samayn karaa ilaa hor geedka ahaa ilaa 2 toddobaad.
Jaridda dhirta
Jaridda dhirta waxaa loo sameeyaa in lala penggemburan wada jir ah ula bacrinta dheeriga ah waa at 7-10 maalmood ka dib marka transplanting (DAT), 20 DAT ituPoker.com JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAiyo 30-35 DAT.
Jaridda dhirta iyo scarify waa la fulin digniin iyo ha isu si aan u geysato xididada-gacmeed ah oo aan tayo lahayn.
Dhammaadka koritaanka daaqsinka (galaya muddo ubax) ayaa joojiyay jaridda dhirta.
Laanta caleemaha Perempelan sameeyo sida ugu dhaqsaha badan si ay le'eg tahay iyo tayada ubaxa ah in foomka tiro ah fiicnayn.
Isla markii mass ka sameeyay ubax, caleemaha jir xidhxidhnaa, si aanay hadho ah ee ubaxa ee hadhka laga helo qorraxda a.
Xiritaanka waxay u adeegtaa si ay u ilaaliyaan color ubax ku sii caddaan.
Inta lagu jiro koritaanka dhirta la siiyo xal POC ee WarungituPoker.com JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYATani ayaan xidhmo 10 ml / lt biyaha, dose WT bactericide of 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah, WT Trico / dose GLIO of 10 ml / litir oo biyo ah, iyo qaadashada WT ZPT of 2 ml / lt oo biyo ah xilliyo gaar 5-7 hal mar maalintii.
Bixinta foomka dheeriga ah ee aasaasiga ah ee bacriminta HOL 10 kg / ha, SP36 10 kg / ha, iyo KCl 12 kg / ha at 15 DAT iyo 45 DAT.
ituPoker.com JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Waqtiga ugu fiican ee la beero in subaxdii saacadaha u dhaxeeya 6:00 09:00 ama galabtii saacadaha u dhaxeeya 3:00 Xaruurtu 5:00.
On geedo tuubada muuska beeray si toos ah lahayn bumbungnya luminaysid.
Haddii warqad-deyran ku tuubo caag ama polybag, miraha laga saaro by jeestay, tuubada iyo jiid abuur ah si taxadar leh oo aan waxyeelo u xididada loo isticmaalo.
The seeds beeray dalool beerto iyo Waraabiyo xal dhakhso ah POC WarungTani ayaan xidhmo 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah, dose WT bactericide of 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah, WT Trico dose / GLIO of 10 ml / litir oo biyo ah, iyo qaadashada WT ZPT of 2 ml / biyo lt ilaa ciidda qoyan si buuxda.
Dayactirka Tola
Haddii ay jiraan waxyeelo ama dhirta dhintay, dib u abuurka la samayn karaa ilaa hor geedka ahaa ilaa 2 toddobaad.
Jaridda dhirta
Jaridda dhirta waxaa loo sameeyaa in lala penggemburan wada jir ah ula bacrinta dheeriga ah waa at 7-10 maalmood ka dib marka transplanting (DAT), 20 DAT ituPoker.com JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAiyo 30-35 DAT.
Jaridda dhirta iyo scarify waa la fulin digniin iyo ha isu si aan u geysato xididada-gacmeed ah oo aan tayo lahayn.
Dhammaadka koritaanka daaqsinka (galaya muddo ubax) ayaa joojiyay jaridda dhirta.
Laanta caleemaha Perempelan sameeyo sida ugu dhaqsaha badan si ay le'eg tahay iyo tayada ubaxa ah in foomka tiro ah fiicnayn.
Isla markii mass ka sameeyay ubax, caleemaha jir xidhxidhnaa, si aanay hadho ah ee ubaxa ee hadhka laga helo qorraxda a.
Xiritaanka waxay u adeegtaa si ay u ilaaliyaan color ubax ku sii caddaan.
Inta lagu jiro koritaanka dhirta la siiyo xal POC ee WarungituPoker.com JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYATani ayaan xidhmo 10 ml / lt biyaha, dose WT bactericide of 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah, WT Trico / dose GLIO of 10 ml / litir oo biyo ah, iyo qaadashada WT ZPT of 2 ml / lt oo biyo ah xilliyo gaar 5-7 hal mar maalintii.
Bixinta foomka dheeriga ah ee aasaasiga ah ee bacriminta HOL 10 kg / ha, SP36 10 kg / ha, iyo KCl 12 kg / ha at 15 DAT iyo 45 DAT.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Trague los huevos eclosionan en incubadoras
Trague los huevos eclosionan en incubadoras
Incubadora temperaturas alrededor de 4
0 ° C con 70% de humedad. Para obtener la humedad se realiza mediante la colocación de una placa o plato lleno de agua en la rejilla inferior de los huevos. Dispuestos de forma que el agua no se quede sin la taza. Los huevos se insertan en las cajas de huevo o registro de manera uniforme y no se superponen. Dos veces al día se invierte la posición de los huevos con cuidado para evitar daños en el embrión. En el tercer día de la observación realizada huevos. Los huevos estaban vacíos y embriones muertos descartan. Embrión marca de la muerte se puede ver en el centro del huevo es un círculo de sangre oscura. Mientras viven huevos embrionarios se verá como una tela de araña. Huevos de reversión a cabo hasta el día 12. Durante máquina de incubar no debe abrirse excepto para el propósito de llenar la reversión taza o regulador de la humedad. Después de 13 a 15
los huevos eclosionan.
Cuidado de los Animales
Los niños recién eclosionados pájaro que no es peludo y muy débil. Los niños que no han sido capaces de tragar necesita ser alimentado con sendir comer SUNDULBET, AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA huevos de hormiga (Kroto fresco) tres veces al día. Durante los 2-3 días que todavía requiere un niño ingiere una calefacción estable e intensa que no necesita ser removido de la incubadora. Después de eso, la temperatura se puede bajar 1-2 grados / día mediante la apertura de la máquina agujero de aire. Después de ± 10 días de edad, cuando los cabellos han crecido los niños tragan trasladados en una caja especial. Esta caja está equipada con un calentador colocado en el centro o en la esquina de la caja. Después de la edad de 43 días, los niños que están listos para volar swallow introducidos en el edificio por la noche, y luego dletakan en el bastidor de la liberación. Rejilla alta por lo menos 2 m del suelo. Con esta altura, waket niño será capaz de volar al día siguiente y seguir el vuelo de una golondrina un adulto.
Las fuentes de alimentación
Swallow aves son las aves salvajes que forrajean solos. La comida es pequeños insectos que existen en los arrozales, campo abierto, bosque o costeros / marinos. Para obtener nido golondrina satisfactoria, gerente de la casa swiftlet debe proporcionar alimentos adicionales especialmente para la estación seca. Algunas de las formas de generación de insectos es:
intercalado con cultivos.
SeniorAgen.com Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014 cultivo de yuca ácaros e insectos son los mosquitos.
hacer una cocina de casa charca del jardín golondrina.
frutas podridas apilados en el patio.
Jaula Mantenimiento
Si el edificio durante mucho tiempo ha sido habitado por las golondrinas, la suciedad que se acumula en el suelo a limpiar. Estos residuos no descarta, pero incluido en sacos y se almacena en
Incubadora temperaturas alrededor de 4
0 ° C con 70% de humedad. Para obtener la humedad se realiza mediante la colocación de una placa o plato lleno de agua en la rejilla inferior de los huevos. Dispuestos de forma que el agua no se quede sin la taza. Los huevos se insertan en las cajas de huevo o registro de manera uniforme y no se superponen. Dos veces al día se invierte la posición de los huevos con cuidado para evitar daños en el embrión. En el tercer día de la observación realizada huevos. Los huevos estaban vacíos y embriones muertos descartan. Embrión marca de la muerte se puede ver en el centro del huevo es un círculo de sangre oscura. Mientras viven huevos embrionarios se verá como una tela de araña. Huevos de reversión a cabo hasta el día 12. Durante máquina de incubar no debe abrirse excepto para el propósito de llenar la reversión taza o regulador de la humedad. Después de 13 a 15
los huevos eclosionan.
Cuidado de los Animales
Los niños recién eclosionados pájaro que no es peludo y muy débil. Los niños que no han sido capaces de tragar necesita ser alimentado con sendir comer SUNDULBET, AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA huevos de hormiga (Kroto fresco) tres veces al día. Durante los 2-3 días que todavía requiere un niño ingiere una calefacción estable e intensa que no necesita ser removido de la incubadora. Después de eso, la temperatura se puede bajar 1-2 grados / día mediante la apertura de la máquina agujero de aire. Después de ± 10 días de edad, cuando los cabellos han crecido los niños tragan trasladados en una caja especial. Esta caja está equipada con un calentador colocado en el centro o en la esquina de la caja. Después de la edad de 43 días, los niños que están listos para volar swallow introducidos en el edificio por la noche, y luego dletakan en el bastidor de la liberación. Rejilla alta por lo menos 2 m del suelo. Con esta altura, waket niño será capaz de volar al día siguiente y seguir el vuelo de una golondrina un adulto.
Las fuentes de alimentación
Swallow aves son las aves salvajes que forrajean solos. La comida es pequeños insectos que existen en los arrozales, campo abierto, bosque o costeros / marinos. Para obtener nido golondrina satisfactoria, gerente de la casa swiftlet debe proporcionar alimentos adicionales especialmente para la estación seca. Algunas de las formas de generación de insectos es:
intercalado con cultivos.
SeniorAgen.com Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014 cultivo de yuca ácaros e insectos son los mosquitos.
hacer una cocina de casa charca del jardín golondrina.
frutas podridas apilados en el patio.
Jaula Mantenimiento
Si el edificio durante mucho tiempo ha sido habitado por las golondrinas, la suciedad que se acumula en el suelo a limpiar. Estos residuos no descarta, pero incluido en sacos y se almacena en
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Medium-sized tree, reaching
Medium-sized tree, reaching a height of 30 m and 60 cm gemang. Pepagan (bark) gray brown, break or scaly.
Pulau TidungSingle leaf is facing, with stems up to 12 mm. Leaf blade elliptic-oblong, narrowly oblong or lanceolate, 5-16 x 2.5 to 7 cm, glabrous, with 6-11 secondary leaf veins and leaf veins downstream intramarginal evident near the edge of the strand, mottled very fine oil glands .
Wreath form with lots of flower panicles, 2-8 cm long, appear under the leaves or sometimes in the armpit. Flowers small, sit, smell nice, berbilangan-4; petals like the bowl, approximately 4 mm in length; off-off crown, white, 2.5-3.5 mm; stamens many, lk. 3 mm, collected in 4 groups, early fall; central disc is rather square, yellowish orange. Buni fruit rounded or slightly depressed, 12 mm, crowned pieces of petals, red to purple-black when ripe. In Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, and the Netherlands, the fresh leaves are sold in packs containing a dozen leaves. The buyer, most Indonesian people, but it leaves originated from Thailand. Because in this country, still leaves harvested from trees that grow wild in their fields.
Pulau PramukaSalam (Indonesian bay leaf, Indonesian laurel, Syzygium polyanthum), is an aromatic leaves for seasoning in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, to India. But in India itself, in addition to leaves, also known as leaf tej pat, tejpat, or tejpata (Indian bay leaf, Cinnamomum tejpata). Because the plant is a genus of cinnamon (Cinamumum zeylanicum, Cinamumum Burmani), tejpat leaf aroma, very different from the incoming bay leaves family Myrtaceae, genus Syzygium. Indian dishes are mostly using tejpat leaf seasoning.
In the Mediterranean, including in the Middle East region, which is used to mumbu leaves Bay Laurel (Sweet Bay, Grecian Laurel, Laurel, Bay Tree, Laurus nobilis), which is claimed as bay leaf "original" (True Laurel). While in the United States (U.S.), known as the California bay leaf (California laurel, Oregon myrtle, Pepperwood, Umbellularia californica). Aroma California bay leaf, bay leaf as strong as the original of the Mediterranean. How to use a bay leaf to cook, together with the use of bay leaves.
Bay leaf original, India, and California, both the family Lauraceae. Bay leaf native genus Laurus, consisting of three species: Laurus azorica (Azores Laurel), Laurus nobilis (Bay Laurel), and (Laurus novocanariensis). California bay leaf Umbellularia genus consists of three species, namely Umbellularia californica (California laurel), Umbellularia calWisata Pulau Pariifornica californica var, and Umbellularia fresnensis californica var. Indian bay leaf genus Cinnamomum, consisting of about 300 species. Until just different leaves, which is a genus Syzygium, which consists of 1,100 species.
Pulau TidungSingle leaf is facing, with stems up to 12 mm. Leaf blade elliptic-oblong, narrowly oblong or lanceolate, 5-16 x 2.5 to 7 cm, glabrous, with 6-11 secondary leaf veins and leaf veins downstream intramarginal evident near the edge of the strand, mottled very fine oil glands .
Wreath form with lots of flower panicles, 2-8 cm long, appear under the leaves or sometimes in the armpit. Flowers small, sit, smell nice, berbilangan-4; petals like the bowl, approximately 4 mm in length; off-off crown, white, 2.5-3.5 mm; stamens many, lk. 3 mm, collected in 4 groups, early fall; central disc is rather square, yellowish orange. Buni fruit rounded or slightly depressed, 12 mm, crowned pieces of petals, red to purple-black when ripe. In Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, and the Netherlands, the fresh leaves are sold in packs containing a dozen leaves. The buyer, most Indonesian people, but it leaves originated from Thailand. Because in this country, still leaves harvested from trees that grow wild in their fields.
Pulau PramukaSalam (Indonesian bay leaf, Indonesian laurel, Syzygium polyanthum), is an aromatic leaves for seasoning in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, to India. But in India itself, in addition to leaves, also known as leaf tej pat, tejpat, or tejpata (Indian bay leaf, Cinnamomum tejpata). Because the plant is a genus of cinnamon (Cinamumum zeylanicum, Cinamumum Burmani), tejpat leaf aroma, very different from the incoming bay leaves family Myrtaceae, genus Syzygium. Indian dishes are mostly using tejpat leaf seasoning.
In the Mediterranean, including in the Middle East region, which is used to mumbu leaves Bay Laurel (Sweet Bay, Grecian Laurel, Laurel, Bay Tree, Laurus nobilis), which is claimed as bay leaf "original" (True Laurel). While in the United States (U.S.), known as the California bay leaf (California laurel, Oregon myrtle, Pepperwood, Umbellularia californica). Aroma California bay leaf, bay leaf as strong as the original of the Mediterranean. How to use a bay leaf to cook, together with the use of bay leaves.
Bay leaf original, India, and California, both the family Lauraceae. Bay leaf native genus Laurus, consisting of three species: Laurus azorica (Azores Laurel), Laurus nobilis (Bay Laurel), and (Laurus novocanariensis). California bay leaf Umbellularia genus consists of three species, namely Umbellularia californica (California laurel), Umbellularia calWisata Pulau Pariifornica californica var, and Umbellularia fresnensis californica var. Indian bay leaf genus Cinnamomum, consisting of about 300 species. Until just different leaves, which is a genus Syzygium, which consists of 1,100 species.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Steps longan planting in pots are:
Steps longan planting in pots are:
1. Prepare 45-50 cm diameter plastic pots. sure there are some holes underneath
2. Put the broken tiles or bricks 5 cm at the base of the pot. purpose in order to drain the water spray
3. Enter a mixture of soil, manure, and sand or uncooked rice husk in the ratio 1: 2: 1 to a height of half the pot. (Meaning if one shovel soil, then fertilizer cage 2 shoveKAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014l and sand or raw husk 1 shovel)
4. Enter longan trees right in the middle pot, then add back the planting medium to near the lip of the pot.
5. Flush with water until the water out of the bottom of the pot. next, place the longan plants in shaded or shady place for some time.
After longan plants in pots to be moved, the next step is daily care that includes watering, pemupukkan, lighting, or if tree trimming when getting big and ready to bear fruit. Besides growing media replacement also needs to be done once every year, it is intended that the plant litchi still get nutrients from the productive because new planting medium. Replacement planting medium is not whole, but spared the growing media prior to planting coupled with new media.
To be fruitful 1. Trimming
GudangPoker.com Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik TerpercayaWhen the headline first appeared, it is advisable to be trimmed so that the fruit can be shady alias generated is not high. 2. Watering How should flush properly, because the volume is not much cropping media. So, need to be watered every other day until the water spilling out of the pot bottom. 3. Fertilizer Always use manure, so that the results are better and trees flourish. For tabulampot, every 3 months (minimum 6 months) so take half the media cropping land, enter the manure into a pot and cover again with a little soil. Flush with water until the soil is completely wet. This will make the young leaves of rapidly growing, so rapid flowering. Chemical fertilizers such as NPK may be used, but quite a bit of it, once a month. The use of potassium chlorate which is known as explosives can also be used to stimulate the growth of flowers, although actually still can longan fruit without the need to be stimulated. The use of chemical fertilizers makes the soil so hard. 4. Threshing Generally, longan flesh in the first conception is less thick. The thickness of the meat can only be seen after 2-3 times of litchi fruit. In order to obtain maximum fruit, flowers Ruin, which first appeared. Thus, the branch will grow and will flower more and more. When the second interest has emerged but no branches, flowers could be knocked back. 5. Replace Media Productive period tabulampot longan is age 3-10 yeaPoker757.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia rs. In order to remain productive during that time, at least once a year so as not to change the media cropping hard, or give manure. 6. Graft Tabulampot are already high and could be grafted great to be a few new plants. So that the branches will not grow big, because the top has been trimmed and trees so lush. 5 Share this article:
After longan plants in pots to be moved, the next step is daily care that includes watering, pemupukkan, lighting, or if tree trimming when getting big and ready to bear fruit. Besides growing media replacement also needs to be done once every year, it is intended that the plant litchi still get nutrients from the productive because new planting medium. Replacement planting medium is not whole, but spared the growing media prior to planting coupled with new media.
To be fruitful 1. Trimming
GudangPoker.com Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik TerpercayaWhen the headline first appeared, it is advisable to be trimmed so that the fruit can be shady alias generated is not high. 2. Watering How should flush properly, because the volume is not much cropping media. So, need to be watered every other day until the water spilling out of the pot bottom. 3. Fertilizer Always use manure, so that the results are better and trees flourish. For tabulampot, every 3 months (minimum 6 months) so take half the media cropping land, enter the manure into a pot and cover again with a little soil. Flush with water until the soil is completely wet. This will make the young leaves of rapidly growing, so rapid flowering. Chemical fertilizers such as NPK may be used, but quite a bit of it, once a month. The use of potassium chlorate which is known as explosives can also be used to stimulate the growth of flowers, although actually still can longan fruit without the need to be stimulated. The use of chemical fertilizers makes the soil so hard. 4. Threshing Generally, longan flesh in the first conception is less thick. The thickness of the meat can only be seen after 2-3 times of litchi fruit. In order to obtain maximum fruit, flowers Ruin, which first appeared. Thus, the branch will grow and will flower more and more. When the second interest has emerged but no branches, flowers could be knocked back. 5. Replace Media Productive period tabulampot longan is age 3-10 yeaPoker757.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia rs. In order to remain productive during that time, at least once a year so as not to change the media cropping hard, or give manure. 6. Graft Tabulampot are already high and could be grafted great to be a few new plants. So that the branches will not grow big, because the top has been trimmed and trees so lush. 5 Share this article:
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