Beds need to be made as the planting of potatoes. Beds can facilitate farmers to maintain crop potatoes. With a raised bed, plant potatoes will not jual Baju Online Murahwaterlogged if it rains.
The pile should be made longitudinally toward the west-east. Width is approximately 70 cm (one lane for plants) or 140 cm (for two lines of plants). Length adjusted soil conditions. High beds approximately 15 cm. seedbed trench width of approximately 25 cm.
The trenches of beds in addition to functioning as a way to merwat plants, as well as waterways. Therefore, the trenches of beds is made in such a way that the water can flow smoothly when it rains. Membuatsaluran water
The drains are made for disposal and to drain the water. This is so that water does not stagnate in the trenches of beds.
Potato plants are very sensitive to water, all the more so since the planting until the age of two months. Potato plant roots will rot in the stagnant water, then the potato crop was wilted.
Mertakan ground
Mertakan process is necessary so that the soil surface flat or flat beds and there are no chunks of land again.
Seed planting is crucial keberhasialan. Good seed will most likely produce success planting. Conversely, the lack of good seeds surely the result will be disappointing.
Potato tubers are planted through direct seeding of land without going through the process first. Long before planting, the seeds should be prepared first. Pick a potato bulbs are good, great, and not a lot of eyes.
Small bulbs should not be used as a seed, because his eyes are less strong and only a few food supplies so that shoots that grow is dead. In addition, there is the possibility of small tubers derived from diseased tubers. Large tubers can be split into two.
Keep seed potatoes in a dry and temperate fresh. Storage in the basket, doing up the smoke, it lasted about three months.
Because potato plants do not need the nursery,Jasa SEO Bergaransi then after selecting good seeds and stored carefully, then you will see the points grow. It is a sign that the seeds can be planted. Seeds can be planted directly in place that has been prepared.
That should dikerjsakan advance in planting, which makes the plant holes in the form of a cross grooves. Then, at the meeting point of the beehive that is later planted seed potatoes.
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